Another Grodnertal

 I forged ahead and made another Grodnertal type doll. I really like her face. I had to adjust her arms a couple of times to make them look right, but I'm happy now. I had some shot silk that I had been saving for something special and she was crying out for it, so I bit the bullet and went ahead designing a beautiful dress for her. I was once again reminded of the adage "Measure twice, cut once," after I sat back, having cut out the pieces for her dress, and realized I had used the wrong sleeve pattern! I had intended that her sleeves would be even bigger than they are. Still, the dress looks pretty good. I used the instructions from to make Van Dyke points for her collar. Not difficult, but REALLY fiddly. I made her a stand, but it is a bit too tall. Don't know if I can find the strength to make adjustments to it. She is a jointed doll, and all her clothes are removable, so you can play with her. I plan to put her into my Etsy store soon, along with her two sisters.


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