The making of a boy doll dress

My last post talked about the first step in designing clothing for a doll, that is, creating the under layers first and then draping a pattern over top. This post will show pictures I took while making the dress for my Izannah Walker John Thayer doll challenge. This challenge ends Feb.1 in the MAIDA dollmaking group. I have made a tutorial of the process that explains more and I will send it to anyone who is interested in having a copy. I have noticed that my instructions tend to assume some knowledge of sewing clothing, but I hope the photos make things clearer. Just contact me by clicking on the three parallel lines in the top left corner of this blog. I begin by using a shop towel to drape the shape of the bodice fronts and tracing around on the shoulder, side and mid-bodice on seamlines. Do the same for the back. Darken the outlines and cut out the shapes, leaving a rather generous seam allowance. It is easier to trim away excess than to add extra, although sticky tape is you...