
Showing posts from December 13, 2021

Winter Blahs

  I have been experiencing a great propensity for being diverted from making dolls by the minutiae of everyday life. Not to mention reading books In The Daytime! November was very grey here and it sucked the spirit and energy right out of me. I looked over my dolls in progress and decided to complete some. In March I bought the North Coast Dolls kit for making a small needlefelted Waldorf inspired doll and because I knew it would take a lot of time and effort I put off getting into it. It was time to start.  As I began the instructions I discovered a couple of things that were unclear/impossible and didn't get a response to questions from either Little Oke Dolls, from whom I bought the kit, or from Meglena, the creator of North Coast Dolls. I put the doll aside for a while and finally managed to ask my question on Meglena's FB. I got a sort of answer, which made me decide to do what I thought was right anyhow. I carried on. Upon finishing the head, I discovered I had made it to