Always learning

By chance I noticed that Astrid from The Little Doll House had some new Waldorf doll-making tutorials on Youtube. I took a look and was seized by the need to make a doll using her new method of attaching the doll head to the body. Following her instructions, I made a head that was the perfect size for another doll that I had made a while ago that had jointed hips and a ball jointed head. The head was way too small for the body and I had been meaning to make her another, so this was perfect! I unpicked and dismembered the older doll and figured out how to adapt the neck to Astrid's new method. The result is the cutest doll I have ever made! I also tried a new way to knit a doll sweater, from the side, and I love it. It has a sweet flare at the bottom and is narrow on the shoulders. Perfect. Here she is.  


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